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发布时间: 2022-10-24 10:37
浏览次数: 155
手机号: 19929978916
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直流电源要求 DC power re


1) 输入电压及频率380V±20%(三相三线制)、50Hz

Input voltage and frequency:  380V±20%(3phase 3wire system), 50Hz

2) 额定输出功率:28.5V 600A

Rated output power: 28.5v 600A

3) 效率:85%

Efficiency: 85% or higher

4) 额定电压:28.5V

Rated voltage: 28.5v

5) 电压补偿功能:远距离供电时可根据负载端电压自动补偿

Voltage compensation function: When power is supplied over a long distance, it can be compensated automatically according to the terminal voltage of the load

6) 额定电流:600A(*大电流750A,具备截流功能

Rated current: 600A (Maximum current: 750A, with intercepting function)

7) 输出电压范围:2232V可调

Output voltage range: 22-32V adjustable

8) 输出纹波3%

Output ripple: < 3%

9) 输出电压稳定度:±1%

Load stability: ±1%

10) 负载效应:±1%(负载由10%额定负载到90%额定负载时)

Load effect: ±1% (From 10% rated load to 90% rated load)

11) 负载特性:负载从空载到满载过程中,输出电压瞬间跌落<10%

Load characteristics: In the process of no-load to full load, the output voltage drops suddenly < 10%

12) 噪声:<65dB(距离1米处测量)

Noise: < 65dB (Measured at a distance of 1m)

13) 工作时间:可连续工作

Working hours: Continuously

14) 冷却方式:风冷

Cooling: Air cooled

15) 瞬态电压特性及稳定时间:在各种工作状态下,浪涌等值价跃电压在GJB572-88图纸所示的极限内

Transient voltage characteristics and stability time: in various working states, the surge e valence jump voltage is within the limit shown in the GJB572-88 drawing.

16) 当负载从10%额定负载突加至85%,再突减至10%的转换时,其浪涌等值阶跃电压在GJB572图7中极限2和极限3之间。

When the load is suddenly increased from 10% rated load to 85% and then suddenly reduced to 10%, its surge e step voltage is between limit 2 and limit 3 in figure 7 of GJB572. When starting an aircraft engine, the surge e valence jump voltage is within the range shown in figure 4. The recovery time of DC output voltage should not exceed 0.2s in the process of load reduction.

17) 应满足GJB572A-2006中5.3节《28V直流电源供电特性》相关要求

The relevant re of section 5.3 28V DC power supply characteristicsin GJB572A-2006 shall be met.

18) 保护功能:该电源保护电路类型有输入浪涌抑制电路输入过欠压保护过欠压保护输入错相缺相保护功率器件过热保护IGBT过流保护输出过载保护等,发生相关故障时保护电路实时响应,*大化保护电源后级负载及电源自身不受损害,且将故障情况以文字形式显示于显示屏中,一目了然,便于用户排查故障。

Types of protection function: The power protection circuit has input surge suppression circuit, input under-voltage protection, output under-voltage protection, input the wrong phase missing phase protection, overheating protection devices, and output IGBT over-current protection, overload protection, etc., related failure protection circuit real-time response, protect the power backstage load and power itself not be damaged in a maximum level, and the failure condition will be showed in the screen, it is clearly, making it easy for users to solve the troubleshooting events.

19) 该电源依据船舶电气设备相关标准做相关电磁兼容、防潮防湿、防盐雾、防腐等相关设计处理。

According to the relevant standards of Marine electrical e, the power supply is designed and processed in such aspects as electromagnetic compatibility, moisture-proof and wet-proof, salt spray proof and anti-corrosion.

  • 地址:西安市西咸新区茶马大道1688号
  • 电话:19929978916
  • 手机:19929978916
  • 传真:029-36388188
  • 联系人:王昇